Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Mentors

I have been on the Mentoring thing for a little bit. I figured I would share some other things that I know to be true in that regard. I will also share some people that either currently or previously have been mentors to me.

My pastor says that everyone needs 3 types of people in their life: those that they look up to (mentors), those they are on the same level with (peers), and those that look up to them (mentees). I firmly believe in this. Even my son who is almost 3 has all three of these in his life. Musicians often neglect the importance of these relationships. 

Mentors are the ones that are doing what you want to do. They share their life experiences and knowledge. Hopefully they give you the tools that you need to stand on their shoulders and do even greater things than they. I have had some people that have really poured into me. Although I haven't always acted on what they told me. My mentors have always given me a wealth of knowledge and encouragement. My first real musical mentor was Robert White. He was the first person to tell me I could make a living playing music. Even at a time when noone else wanted me doing music. I learned a lot going to hear him play. He also helped fill some holes in my knowledge of playing bass. Another mentor that I have had is Cliff Colson. Although I never took lessons from him, I learned a lot going to his gigs and sitting in on occasion. He was also real cool to talk to. Something that in hindsight, is a valuable lesson to anyone that wants to work. You have to be personable and get along with people or your phone won't ring. Unfortunately, I have lost touch with both Rob and Cliff. But I value the things I have learned from them.

Currently, I consider Al Caldwell to be a mentor to me. He is in a place where I aspire to be: a writer, producer, bandleader, as well as a highly accomplished sideman. Even though we have never met, I value his knowledge and skill. He has shared things with me about the business and production, as well as being a bass player. 

I want to encourage everyone, if you haven't already, to seek out a mentor. Actually, several mentors. It doesn't even have to be someone you talk to. I don't encourage stalking, but find someone that you can watch how they go about their business. I have learned a lot from just watching people. I have some guys that I try to catch on a gig occasionally. When I see them play, it inspires me. I think we can all do the same.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What I feel is sorely missing from the music community

Have you ever heard the phrase, these young cats don't know the old music? Why is that so true in many cases? I have a thought about it. It is because mentoring is a rare thing in the music community.

If you are one of the 'older cats', then you realize that you were either in situations where you had to play those songs on a regular basis. Or you had somebody that was tired of you butchering the songs, so they took the time to show them to you. Anybody will know songs if they are playing them all the time. And having someone stand over your shoulder is a great motivator to learn too. But most 'young cats' don't have either of those circumstances in their lives. Most old cats don't want to be bothered with young cats unless they already play at a certain level. And most young cats have such a jacked up concept of where they are musically, that they don't think that they need to sit up under anybody.

I kinda miss the days when you would see a row of kids in church with drum sticks wishing for their turn to play. Begging for the chance to play offering or the benediction. Now, you have kids that are playing the whole service. The problem is that they haven't sat up under anyone. So the novice thinks they are a professional and tries a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't work. And then you have a bunch of people that don't want the child to be corrected and figure that the child will get better and that God hears their heart. This is the biggest crock. If the child goes unchecked, the fake compliments that you give them will go to their heads, making the child confident in their sloppiness and poor execution. Then that child will try and get on someone's band stand for real and get ridiculed. That does noone any good. 

That child will also take the privilege of playing for granted. They will half learn songs because the mothers in the church say that they are so gifted. They will come to rehearsal and service late. and they won't be hungry. If they play keyboard, they will only be able to play in 3 keys and use the transpose key. And they won't practice their craft. They don't realize that Practice doesn't make perfect. PERFECT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! If you practice something sloppy. Sloppy is how you will play it. But they have noone to tell them that it is sloppy. So they continue to play sloppy. Assaulting everyone's ears that dares to enter the room. 

Sitting up under someone is a 2 way street. The mentor has a responsibility to recognize the stregnths in the mentee. As well as letting them know what they can't do. the mentor needs to give the mentee opportunities they can handle. This will build confidence. Real confidence. Not arrogance. We don't need another person picking up an instrument thinking they are better than they are. 

The problem is that many older cats see the young cats as competition. I say that there is room for everyone. If you fear the young cats taking over, you probably need to practice your craft more frequently. That way, you won't be in the rut you have been in for the past 5 years. I find that many younger cats can benefit from your experience as well as watching you play. There tends to be a seasoning on older cat's playing that is missing in most younger cats. The young cats often need to learn to groove. Whereas the older cats get it. Older cats make you bob your head.

If you are one of the old cats I am talking about, I want to encourage you to not turn away the young cats that ask you questions. I have been in the place of asking an older cat questions, and getting the blow off answers. Fortunately, I had others in my life that actually poured into my development. If you are a younger cat. First realize that you don't know it all. You probably don't know what you think you know. Ask questions of knowledgable people. Not just the ones that play fast. But the ones that work. They will have the most to offer. They get it. The cat that works the most might not be as flashy. But they get the job done. And carry themselves in a professional way. That will get you farther than any number of fast notes will.

If Dave Weckl can get a teacher after playing for a number of years on a very high level. Then I think we all have something to learn from those that have come before us.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Your Team

I was in rehearsal last night for a band called Nue Noize. They have some really good material that I urge anyone that is into modern jazz to check out. On one of the breaks, I was reflecting on how everyone in the room was a freelance musician and was called together by the bandleader to work with this unit. Several of us have our own bands that we work on as well. It struck me that the people that get things done in any area of endeavor are the ones that can convince others to get behind their vision with the best of their abilities. Whether it be music, business, or even life in general. We all have a circle of people that we call on for what we need. You may have a favorite dry cleaner, tax preparer. Yes these things are paid services. But they are things that we can all relate to. And they make our daily lives easier because they make it so we don't have to do everything ourselvs. There wouldn't be enough time in a day to do everything we need done. You wouldn't sleep much if you did them yourself.

If you are working on building something that is above the ordinary. Give some thought to the people that you have around you and how they contribute to what you are doing. Are they the best people for the function that you need. If not, you might want to consider making a change. Having the right people frees you up to expand the big picture.

I was raised an only child and a loner. I have had a mentality that I can do it all by myself. I now realize that this is foolish and am changing this. I hope anyone else in my boat does the same. It will help you go much farther in what you want to do. i am working on several teams for different things. How about you?

Monday, April 6, 2009

First Blog Post

I know I just set this up and haven't told anyone about it. But I will post a little something just because it's here.

I have been pondering setting this up for a little while. I figured noone would read what little old me had to say about anything. But whatever. I am making the plunge. I hope you like my random thoughts and rumblings.

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